Saturday, October 16, 2010

On Friday we stayed around the Rally site and had a couple of 'issues' with the RV looked at by on site repair people.....which was really convenient and once again we learned things that will help us on our travels! Late afternoon we did Happy Hour with  three other couples who are all on line with the RV Forum and really enjoyed meeting them and exchanging stories! The entertainment last night was lots of fun--comedian Gary Mule Deer had us all laughing till we cried!

Today we did a few things here then took off for the Four Corners----for those of you who are unfamiliar, it is one spot where you can be in four states at once--Utah, New Mexico, Arizona  and Colorado! The spot is  located on a Navajo Reservation so there were several native Americans selling their jewelry and pottery when we arrived, and on the road along the way we stopped for some Indian Fry Bread being made along side the road. Not sure it was a good diet choice, but it tasted good! One of the gentlemen at the fry bread place told us about a new casino that had just opened down the road--the first Navajo casino in New Mexico--so we decided to stop and see what it was like. It was all slot machines and  so packed there were literally no open machines so we just headed back and decided to try our luck at the casino that is attached to the fair grounds where the rally is located. True to my very limited gambling experience, there was no luck, and after giving them $25 we left----big spenders!

The pictures show some of the unusual rock formations on our drive to Four Corners, one special rock called 'Ship Rock', the river by our camping area and me standing in all four states! We asked a man to take our picture together standing in all  4 states., but apparently he did not know what he was doing because there was no picture when I downloaded this evening---oh well--hopefully we will get a picture together somewhere!

Spending our last night in Farmington,  New Mexico....Debbie and John

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