Thursday, November 18, 2010

Big Sur, California , November 18, 2010

What a gorgeous drive down Highway 1 along the Pacific Ocean today! It was partly sunny on our drive to the coast, but again the fog and clouds rolled in for our drive to Big Sur--but it was still beautiful! We pulled over multiple times for 'Kodak' moments and enjoyed lunch  at a restaurant that sits high on a cliff  overlooking the coast----it has been there since 1949. It was so cool today they had a fire going in a big open pit in the middle of the dining room and we sat with our backs to the fire looking out at the awesome views!

At one over look I got out of the car and heard the barking of seals---it took us the field glasses to actually spot them so far down, but if  you look closely  you can see them in some of the photos ----they are tan colored and laying all over the tops of some rocks! We also 'followed' some large dolphins on their way south along the coast---these pictures are a little fuzzy since I had to zoom so much to get them!

Resting in San Juan Bautista......Debbie and John

Look closely for the seals
Dolphin migration
These cows have no idea  how lucky they are to be grazing by the ocean!!

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